
Erik Jagger - sketchbook self portrait

Below is a list of links to my presence on all the major social media platfroms. I have listed them more or less in order of activity as of September 2024 and noted my primary use of each. So, pick your poison.

  1. Flickr. I post art here. Moderately hirez and provided with a Creative Commons attribution/noncommercial/share-and-share-alike license. Use ‘em or...just check ‘em out.
  2. Instagram. Probably my most used platform. Like a lot of folks, I’m queasy about the Facebook connection, but the visual nature suits me and my work and so many people are on it, it seems self-defeating not to be there.
  3. TickTok. Just starting to figure this one out.
  4. Pinterest. I haven’t really figured out how to do this one. I actually use it a ton but mostly for inspiration and visual reference. 
  5. Facebook. What I said about Instagram times 10.
  6. YouTube. Haven’t put anything up in a long while, but hoping to do more in the coming months.
  7. Tumblr. Neglected platform but I feel like it’s worth another look.
  8. LinkedIn. Hmmmm.
  9. Twitter. Yeech.